In May, 2019, scientists in Hawaii found that the highest level of CO2 in the atmosphere over the past 3 million years is achieved.

/ Peter Dockrill, Science Alert /



In May, 2019, scientists in Hawaii found that the highest level of CO2 in the atmosphere over the past 3 million years is achieved. When burning oil, coal and similar fossil fuels, carbon dioxide is released into the Earth’s atmosphere. This greenhouse gas acts as an insulation that does not release heat from the atmosphere, thus the Earth and its oceans are slowly getting warmer. These catastrophic indicators of CO2 levels can affect the health of mankind and other living creatures. If this continues, we can come to a similar death of life, as had already happened before, when dinosaurs died out. Each tonne of oil or coal used for energy production or in the chemical industry means that early or late carbon contained in their composition will be released into the atmosphere in the form of CO2 or other harmful emissions.


Right now, it is the right time to stop these processes, and there is still hope that we can influence the rate of rising CO2 levels. We need to change together the systems that are causing it, so that to make use of renewable resources for the production of both energy and products. Currently, in the production of wood-based panel materials, synthetic formaldehyde-containing resins derived from fossil resources are predominantly used as a binder. In fact, the only rational way of disposal of wood-based panels glued with synthetic resins is their combustion, but in this way additional fossil CO2 enters the atmosphere.

If all wood-based panels were produced using natural binders, a huge part of the potential threat of fossil CO2 would be removed from circulation.

Janis-Rizikovs-Suberbinder-500x500 Jānis Rižikovs

Leading researcher, LSIWC


If all wood-based panels were produced using natural binders, a huge part of the potential threat of fossil CO2 would be removed from circulation. Such a natural binder is suberinic acids, which reduce the amount of harmful emissions without losing functional properties. Fossil resources are not used, and carbon is sequestered in the material, thereby reducing the release of CO2, which would potentially result from the combustion of birch bark. From one kilogram of carbon, 3.67 kg of CO2 is formed. When processing one t of birch outer bark with a carbon content of 70%, 2569 kg of CO2 are sequestered in the products; respectively, processing 28.7 thousand t of birch outer bark, 73.7 thousand t CO2 are sequestered. If we use the part of this birch bark into natural materials, we will sequester CO2 into these products. It is possible to recycle and reuse the materials obtained with suberinic acids in the manufacture of wood-based panels. In turn, by burning wood-based panels glued with the suberinic acids binder, CO2 would return to the natural equilibrium circulation.

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